Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good bye from Italy

This is my last post forever. I am sad. This is the last time I will ever get to contribute to this wonderful blog. Good bye.

German Names

Names in Germany aren't much different than the names you have in America. Some of our most popular names are Lucas, Anna, Leon, Tim, Lena, and Finn. In America some popular names are Alexis, Anna, Braylen, and Caden. These are the top names in my country and yours. They are similar and the name Anna is popular in both countries.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Well I had fun sharing bolgs with you other bloggers. I hope my blogs have given you some more information on Madrid, Spain. If you have any more questions on Madrid, Spain then go to http://www.google.com/. Thats want a search engine is for people. I'm just kidding, if you have any more questions just comment them on my blog and I will answer them. Adios amigos!!


to whom it may concern

Hello everyone I really enjoyed sharing with you things about italy , but i will not be able to continue blogging. My madre needs money so we are selling my computer. Ah.... it's for the best and even though I've never met you I love each of you in a special (non- creepy ) way

peace forever - valentina

Communicating with Bosnians

Most of our people identify themselves by ethnic group instead of nationality, although outside the country and for the purposes of this profile, the term Bosnians is used. Between these peoples, social behavior is very similar and much like that of other Europeans.


Portugal's school system is very much like our school system. They, like us, have the regular textbooks, teachers, desk, etc. They are allowed to go to school from pre-school to adult education. They have extra classes you could take also, like our colleges. In Portugal, you have to go to school at least for nine years. The minimum age for leaving school is 15 years old. Portuguese schools are pretty much the same as ours.

Marriage in France

Getting married in France is not an easy thing to do. For a couple to get married they must first satisfy a 40 day residence requirement. Also the wedding must be announced 10 days before it is to take place, by an ad in a paper or say a notice on the board in a town or village where it is to take place. To get married in France you must have: Carte de sejour (U.S. Passport or French Residence Permit), Extrait d'acte de naissance (Certified copy of birth certificate), declaration en vue de mariage (Affidivat of marital statuse or Certificate of celibacy), certificat de coutume (Affidivat of law), and certificat medical prenuptial (Medical Certificate).