Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Language In Italy!$$$$

Ciao è Julie(:
Just in case you want to visit, learn our language! Haha!
Italian is the official language and only 93% are native Italian speakers. It's very close to spanish, but their is a difference in the words and the accent. We got our language mostly from France because Italian lands were once ruled by France. In Italy's history, there were many other languages that were spoken, but we seemed to get a hang of Italian. In Italy we also take English classes to help us out in life. We take Italian as well, so that we can learn more about our own language. Everytime I'm at my cousin's house he always tries to talk fluent English, I laugh at him because at some point he ends up messing up. In my home and in my families homes, we speak Italian, obviously because that's my first language.


  1. Haha I think its funny when my cousins try to speak in Spanish. Even though I'm not fluent I know enough to laugh when they mess up.
