Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hello. I'm Jacob McDaris and I just moved to Ireland. My family was original from Ireland so my family has just moved here for a couple years to do some research on our family, and family history. We moved to the Capital of Ireland, which is Dublin, and is also the largest city in Ireland. It's really cloudy today and they predict that its going to rain. I hope it doesn't, I want to explorer my new home. I will be starting school soon, the school system is interesting compared to Americana's' school system. Here in Ireland they have Primary years, which is years 1-8 (like grades 1-8). I will be starting my first year in Secondary, which year 1-3 is Junior Circle. The forth year I would be a Transition. On 5-6 years I will be in the Senior Circle. Once I finish all that I could choose to go to Tertiary, which in America is like College. Well I'm going to leave for today so I can go outside before it rains.

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